Monday, October 13, 2014


Obsession with this idea (End of the World)
Why? Think of our values, do we lack compassion, logic, awareness, self preservation?
More people show up to a zombie rally versus an anti-war rally? Why?
What is this saying about our society?


Give a possible reason why this artist would include wild animal, lions at that, in this scene?


Why this color scheme? How does choosing motion to depict this scene change the overall feeling when viewing this image?


What compositional technique (rule of thirds, leading line, framing, macro, extreme angles) did this artist use? Why not see the face?


What does incorporating living things do to the point of view to this apocalyptic scene?

Students will utilize all the tools and techniques they have learned in the first quarter to create an apocalypse scene at Cesar Chavez. They will include three photos that they have taken around the school, and these photos will be included in their final scene.

Tutorial on using the lasso tool: copy and paste, how to move and adjust a selection

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