Monday, September 22, 2014

Abstract Nature Close Reading

1. What can lines tell us?
2. Provide one question you would like answered, about the photo.
3. Make up a short story for this photo

Friday, September 19, 2014

Abstract Art

Abstract Nature

Abstract art is imagery that is not representational (not realistic). Artists simplify or exaggerate forms within the project. Abstract artists include; Picasso, Hepworth, Kandinsky, Chris Lundy, Wolfgang Tillmans, and Adam Fuss (just to name a few).

Adam Fuss

Chris Lundy



Stuart Davis

Loading Brushes in Photoshop

Once students have their nature photo, they will learn how to load new brushes into Photoshop. These brushes will be used to transform their realistic photo into an abstract one. When loading brushes, keep in mind that the subject matter is nature. Find brushes that will work with your photo. Try searching, nature brushes, organic brushes, vines, trees, etc

If absent, or need a refresher, go to link:
only watch until 1:30 

sample brushes


Nature Photography into Abstract Art

Students will use one of their photos that they have taken of nature. They will learn how to download custom brushes, and use preset brushes to apply effects. Their final image will look more like abstract painting than an actual photo.

Movie Scene Tutorial

Students will learn how to utilize the lasso tool to successfully place them in their scene. We will do step by step instructions on the process, as well as how to make adjustments to exposure. Throughout this tutorial, students will also be introduced to the dodge and burn tool. This will allow them to create shadows and highlights. The final tool will be the clone stamp. A clone stamp will allow them to copy an area to cover up another area. All of these tools will be needed to insure their placement blends with the scene.


Clipping Mask Tutorial

Students will need to use one word to describe their partner in the classmate portrait. This word will include a clipping mask. They will also need to make a decision on what image should be placed within the text.

Classmate Portrait Tutorial

Students will learn about layer masks, which allows them to make adjustments to certain areas throughout the photo. They will be able to create a certain mood by using one of the techniques learned in class. The mood should coincide with the subject matter, which is a fellow peer.

Black and white, bring in some color

Using a filter

Gradient, black and white into color

Photo Filter, while maintaining some of the original